Franklin Templeton Shariah Funds Franklin Shariah Global Multi-Asset Income Fund W (Mdis) USD

WKN A40SDP | ISIN LU2645247680 |  Fonds


Fondgesellschaft Franklin Templeton
Region weltweit
Branche Mischfonds/ausgewogen
Ursprungsland Luxemburg
Vertriebszulassungen Österreich, Luxemburg, Tschechien
KESt-Meldefonds -
Auflagedatum 01.11.2023
Ertragstyp ausschüttend
Fondsvolumen 18,70 Mio. USD
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KAG Franklin Templeton
Adresse Schottenring 16, 2.OG, 1010, Wien
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The primary characteristic of a Shariah fund is its compliance with Shariah guidelines based on the principles of Islamic finance. A Shariah fund is required to appoint a Shariah supervisory board which independently ensures that the fund also meets such Shariah guidelines in the management of all of its assets. The Fund aims to earn income and, secondarily, to increase the value of its investments over the medium to long term. The Fund pursues an actively managed investment strategy and invests mainly in: · Shariah-compliant equity securities (under normal market conditions, no more than 75% of the Fund's assets) and Shariah-compliant debt securities, including Sukuk, of any quality (including lower quality securities such as non-investment grade securities) and of any maturity, issued by governments, government-related entities, supranational entities and corporations located in developed and developing countries (investments in below investment grade is limited to 20% of the Fund's assets)
Fondsmanager: Matthias Hoppe, Mohieddine (Dino) Kronfol