Aktuelle Entwicklung


Fondstyp Alternative Investm.
Branche AI Managed Futures
Ursprungsland Luxemburg
KESt-Meldefonds Ja
Auflagedatum 10.11.2010
Fondsvolumen 85,21 Mio. GBP

Größte Positionen

DT.BK.AG CALL29 9,14 %
EUROCLEAR BK 24-01.08.24 3,15 %
EUROCLEAR BK 24-03.09.24 3,14 %
ANTALIS 24/02.08.24 2,70 %
Sonstiges 81,87 %


Zeitraum vor AGA nach max. AGA
1 Jahr +3,17 % -
3 Jahre p.a. +9,27 % -
5 Jahre p.a. +3,90 % -
52W Hoch:
167,2800 GBP
52W Tief:
148,5300 GBP

Konditionen (gültig für easy Wertpapierdepot)

Ausgabeaufschlag 0,00 %
Mindestveranlagung 1.500,00 GBP
Sparplan Nein
Managementgebühr 0,85 %
Annahmeschluss -

Fonds Prospekte

2023 Basisinformationsblatt (20.02.23)
2022 Key Investor Information (16.02.22)
2019 Halbjahresbericht (31.07.19)
2019 Verkaufsprospekt (22.07.19)
2019 Rechenschaftsbericht (31.01.19)


The aim of the Sub-Fund is to achieve long-term capital appreciation through compound growth by gaining exposure to global exchangetraded futures, forwards, swaps (including credit default swaps), markets on commodities (including energies, base and precious metals and crops), equities and equity indices, bonds, interest rates and currencies, all in accordance with the proprietary investment strategy designed by the delegated portfolio manager Winton Capital Management Limited ("Winton"). The Sub-Fund may invest in (i) futures contracts, and options relating to such futures contracts, traded on recognised exchanges (including contracts that require the posting of any required margin), (ii) foreign exchange contracts, (iii) over-the-counter derivatives giving exposure to financial indices, equities, interest rates, bonds and/or other eligible assets (together, the "Derivatives Portfolio"). Winton will manage the Derivatives Portfolio. In addition, the Sub-Fund will make investments in transferable securities, including eligible commodity linked transferable securities, as are required in order that the Sub-Fund's investments in the Derivatives Portfolio and transferable securities together give effect to the strategy. The Sub-Fund will use cash to satisfy margin and collateral obligations and settlement obligations owed by the Sub-Fund in connection with the Derivatives Portfolio. Any surplus cash held by the Sub-Fund may be placed in cash deposits and money market instruments. The Sub-Fund will seek to place surplus cash on deposit and/or make investments in cash instruments. The Sub-Fund, which is calculated in US dollars, may use hedging to try to reduce the effect of foreign exchange rate fluctuations where investments are denominated in currencies other than US Dollars.The Sub-Fund is actively managed with no reference to a benchmark. The Sub-Fund does not promote environmental or social characteristics in a way that meets the specific criteria contained in Article 8 of the Sustainable Financial Disclosure Regulation ("SFDR") or have sustainable investment as its objective in a way that meets the specific criteria contained in Article 9 of SFDR.
Fondsmanager: Winton Capital Management Ltd


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