WKN A2PGUT | ISIN LU1802242385 |  Fonds
8,82 EUR+0,02 % (+0,00)

Aktuelle Entwicklung


Fondstyp Rentenfonds
Branche Anleihen Gemischt
Ursprungsland Luxemburg
KESt-Meldefonds Ja
Auflagedatum 03.07.2018
Fondsvolumen 1,18 Mrd. EUR

Größte Positionen

Keine Daten verfügbar


Zeitraum vor AGA nach max. AGA
1 Jahr +4,71 % +1,57 %
3 Jahre p.a. +1,78 % +0,75 %
5 Jahre p.a. +1,35 % +0,74 %
52W Hoch:
8,9520 EUR
52W Tief:
8,3673 EUR

Konditionen (gültig für easy Wertpapierdepot)

3,10 % jetzt max. 1,55 %
Mindestveranlagung 1.000.000,00 EUR
Sparplan Nein
Managementgebühr 0,00 %
Annahmeschluss 09:00

Fonds Prospekte

2024 Basisinformationsblatt (21.06.24)
2023 Verkaufsprospekt (30.11.23)
2023 Halbjahresbericht (30.09.23)
2023 Rechenschaftsbericht (31.03.23)
2022 Key Investor Information (25.05.22)


The Fund aims to provide long term capital growth and income by investing in a portfolio of investment grade securitised bonds (bonds that are backed by pools of underlying financial assets), while promoting ESG characteristics. The Fund includes the identification and analysis of a company's ESG Credentials as an integral part of the investment decision making process to reduce risk and enhance returns. The Fund aims to invest in securities with a low and medium, HSBC proprietary, securitised credit ESG risk assessment rating. A lower ESG risk assessment rating signifies lower ESG driven investment risk. It is determined through a combination of ESG Credentials, ESG factors most relevant to each securitised Credit subsector and structural features of the specific security. Please refer to the prospectus for further details on ESG Credentials and Excluded Activities. In normal market conditions, the Fund will invest at least 90% of its assets in investment grade securitised bonds that are rated at least BBB- by a credit rating agency, including ABS, commercial MBS, collateralised loan obligations and residentialMBS. The underlying exposures of these assets include, but are not limited to, mortgages (residential and commercial), auto-loans, corporate loans, bonds, credit cards, student loans and other receivables.
Fondsmanager: Andrew John Jackson


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