
Fondgesellschaft First Sentier (IE)
Region -
Branche Branchenmix
Ursprungsland Irland
Vertriebszulassungen Österreich, Deutschland, Schweiz
KESt-Meldefonds Ja
Auflagedatum 12.10.2023
Ertragstyp thesaurierend
Fondsvolumen 9,76 Mio. CHF
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Aufgrund der Zusammensetzung des Fonds oder der verwendeten Managementtechniken weist der Fonds eine erhöhte Volatilität auf, d.h. die Anteilswerte sind auch innerhalb kurzer Zeiträume großen Schwankungen nach oben und nach unten ausgesetzt, wobei auch Kapitalverluste nicht ausgeschlossen werden können.


KAG First Sentier (IE)
Adresse 21 Charlemont Place, D02 WV10, Dublin
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The Fund aims to grow your investment over the long-term. The Fund invests in shares of companies based in or where the majority of their activities take place in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka or Bangladesh and that are listed on exchanges worldwide. The Fund invests in shares of high-quality companies which are positioned to contribute to, and benefit from, sustainable development. Investment decisions use a thematic sustainability approach and an assessment aiming to identify high quality companies based on three key points: (i) Quality of management. (ii) Quality of the franchise company including its social usefulness, their environmental impacts and efficiency and responsible business practices. (iii) Quality of the company's finances and their financial performance. Sustainability is a key part of the approach. Pursuant to the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (EU 2019/2088), this Fund also has sustainable investment as its objective under Article 9.
Fondsmanager: Sashi Reddy, David Gait