
Fondgesellschaft Goldman Sachs AM BV
Region weltweit
Branche Geldmarktnahe Werte
Ursprungsland Luxemburg
Vertriebszulassungen Österreich, Deutschland
KESt-Meldefonds -
Auflagedatum 25.01.2008
Ertragstyp ausschüttend
Fondsvolumen 5,49 Mrd. EUR
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Im Rahmen der Anlagestrategie kann in wesentlichem Umfang in Derivate investiert werden.Die Fondsbestimmungen des Goldman Sachs Funds VI - Liquid Euro - A Dis(Q) EUR wurden durch die FMA bewilligt.Der Goldman Sachs Funds VI - Liquid Euro - A Dis(Q) EUR kann mehr als 35 % des Fondsvermögens in Wertpapiere/Geldmarktinstrumente folgender Emittenten investieren: by a Member State of the European Union or the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), by local public authorities of a Member State of the European Union, or by international public bodies to which one or more Member States of the European Union belong, provided that


KAG Goldman Sachs AM BV
Adresse Schenkkade 65, 2509, LL Den Haag
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The Fund is classified as a financial product under Article 8 of the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation. The Fund promotes environmental or social characteristics but does not have a sustainable investment objective. The Fund integrates ESG factors and risk in the investment process alongside traditional factors. This short-term variable net asset value money market fund seeks to provide investors with stable and low-risk returns. We aim to preserve the value of all capital invested and offer investors liquidity (the possibility to enter/leave the fund with the same day value). The fund invests in all types of money market instruments denominated in Euro like commercial paper, floating rate notes (notes with a variable interest rate), Treasury Bills, short-term bonds, deposits and certificates of deposits. The fund limits its weighted average maturity (duration) to 60 days and its weighted average life (weighted average of the times until an asset's principal is repaid) to 120 days. We aim to beat the performance of the benchmark Euro Short-Term Rate (€STR).
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