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L&G Multi-Strategy Enhanced Commodities UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Accumulating ETF

22.11.24 21:29:58 RT
Bid: 9,765 EUR  Size: 52  |  Ask: 9,867 EUR  Size: 52


ISIN Name Performance Volatilität Sharpe Ratio
1 IE00BKFB6L02 UBS(Irl)Fd.S.plc-CMCI Comm.C.SF UE A +7,87 % +5,61 % 0,87
2 IE00BN940Z87 UBS (Irl) Fund Solutions plc - CMCI Commodity Carry Ex-Agriculture SF UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc +9,64 % +9,04 % 0,73
3 IE00BMC5DV85 UBS(Irl)Fd.S.plc-CMCI Comm.C.SF UE A H +6,03 % +5,62 % 0,54
4 IE00BN941009 UBS (Irl) Fund Solutions plc - CMCI Commodity Carry Ex-Agriculture SF UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc +7,76 % +9,06 % 0,53
5 LU1291109616 BNP PARIBAS EASY ENERGY & METALS ENHANCED ROLL UCITS ETF EUR Capitalisation +8,61 % +13,25 % 0,42
32 IE00B58HMN42 UBS (Irl) Fund Solutions plc - CMCI Composite SF UCITS ETF, Klasse (hedged to EUR) A-acc -0,41 % +11,13 % -0,31
33 IE00BF4J0300 Invesco Mkt.p.Bloomberg Comm.UE EUR H -0,99 % +11,49 % -0,35
34 IE00BFXR6159 L&G Multi-Strategy Enhanced Commodities UCITS ETF USD Accumulating ETF -1,48 % +11,75 % -0,38
35 IE00B58FQX63 UBS (Irl) Fund Solutions plc - CMCI Composite SF UCITS ETF, Klasse (hedged to CHF) A-acc -2,65 % +11,11 % -0,51
36 IE00022GJEG1 L&G Multi-Strategy Enhanced Commodities UCITS ETF EUR Hedged Accumulating ETF -2,99 % +11,76 % -0,51